His Thoughts: Clash of Cultures?

Wednesday, September 2, 2009 by Andre

I have been in the U.S. for +4 years now, and I've had more of a 'culture shock' in the last three weeks than the rest of time combined.

Firstly: Health.

At Georgia tech, in very short terms, people run. Whether it's cold, raining, or hot like the Sahara, people are running. Not from anyone, or on the track either; they're on the street, and around campus, even on streets surrounding campus. I'm writing now and I still don't know if to be impressed or perplexed. If i saw someone running at South Carolina State, and it wasn't on the track, it had to be a fight or something else was 'poppin off'. I don't want to offer a reason as to why , but it's definitely something different between white and black culture that is behind this 'phenomena' rite?

Lastly: Dress code or lack there of.

Pum Pum shorts galore. Female AND male. Yesterday I saw a guy wearing what looked like, a pink boxer shorts to class (i have no sarcastic remark for this one...that's just it..a guy in a pink boxer shorts looking pants). On the other hand apparently woman's legs are not sexy in these parts either. It is the summer, it is the time when people get a little loose, and as a man it is the time when days have a better 'view' to it. That being said, even men know when something is too much (rite?), and just seems strange. These girls are wearing baggy pum pum shorts, which is even more revealing than you would think, yet guys aren't staring; life just goes on. No comments, no stares, no gushing, no nothing.I missed something. Even in running around, some guys are bareback in boxers, some women are next to naked themselves, all the while being shocking to no one but me.
There's more though; people never seeing Friday, not knowing what deuces are...etc etc. But that's excusable, and understandable, but these others, i just don't know?

I'm not here for all that though right? But still feels like I'm going insane...smh

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